Absorber Panels
Absorber panels are used in a wide variety of venues to control unwanted reflections in enclosed spaces. Houses of Worship, Educational, Government and Corporate environments, Theatres, Gymnasiums, and Auditoriums can all benefit acoustically through the proper use of Balance Acoustic Solutions absorber panels.

Standard Sizes from 2′ x 2′ up to 4’x 8’
Custom sizes also available
2”-thick core of Johns Manville 817 Spin-Glas®
Covered with Guilford of Maine FR701®2100 fabric
62 color choices
Square hard edges/Z clip installation

2' x 2'

3' x 4'

4' x 4'

2' x 4'

2' x 6'

4' x 6'

2' x 8'

3' x 8'

4' x 8'

2' x 2'

3' x 4'

4' x 4'

2' x 4'

2' x 6'

4' x 6'

2' x 8'

3' x 8'